Tuesday, June 24, 2014

We Are Still Having P-day on Friday!

June 23, 2014

Hey Famlay!

Guess what, we are still having P-day on Friday, but Elder Kimzey said that we could email today. So...hi :)

Yes we have been getting scary storms, I thought I liked them, but then I came here. The storm we had on Tuesday shook our whole apartment and the both of us awake. It was a good night for earplugs.

In answer to your 50th birthday question: England. Of course. No wait...only if I can go with you so...Italy :) That is so cool about Elder McGlothlin!! Way to be AP!! To be honest, I'm not surprised, he is an awesome missionary :) Do you guys have his email? I want to get back into contact with those guys.

This week mainly consisted of trying to find people to teach. On Tuesday we tracted for a few hours, handed out 4 Book of Mormon's and met a really nice car salesman named Josh and a YSA aged guy named Kyle who are interested in learning more! We set a goal for 12 other lessons and got 21, so we are pretty tracted out :)

Yesterday we knocked on Spring and her girls' door at 10 in the morning...just to make sure they were coming to church. And they did! For the first time in 3 months! It was great that Amber, her oldest went to Girls' Camp, she met a lot of fun people there. Sister Cutler, President Cutler's daughter-in-law, has to be my missionary rolemodel. She is so wonderful when we bring her to member-present lessons with Angela and she has that calm yet powerful demeanor that draw so many people to her. Her girls are the cutest and always run up to us to give us a hug :) She served in Belgium and then worked at the MTC! ...Which is what I really want to do after the mish. And...prepare for the big one...she is an AUTHOR! Their family is definitely one I want to keep in contact with. They give me strength to be a better missionary. Come to think of it...I think ALL the members in our ward do in some way.

Yes! I would love to keep getting the newspapers! Any new reading material (approved) is always fine with me :) That is so great that you are still teaching your eternigator Paula. We stopped by our eternigator Dee's house today and she went off on the 1 Timothy 1 scripture where it says that in the last days there will be many evil hypocrites who will say that you are not allowed to eat meat...thinking that it's us with the Word of Wisdom...and that God gave us meat to eat. I didn't know what to say when she challenged us to decide who is right: Timothy or Joseph Smith, so I calmly said--with that frustrated grin that has probably been permanently etched into my countenance by now :)--that we would study and ponder and get back with her. When I got home, I was rather frustrated seeing as how I had no idea how to respond. But when I read the footnotes, it cross-referenced D&C 49 where Joseph Smith is given the revelation concerning one of his friends who had gone apostate because of his dealings with the Shakers...who believe that Jesus already came and that meat should be refrained from...and the revelation is exactly what Timothy says regarding such. It is so interesting how people take SO many things out of context in order to fit things to what they want to believe. I am SO thankful for modern day revelation which confirms what every Christian heart longs to know: that God is the same yesterday, today, and forever. She thought I was being "apolegetic" for the Word of Wisdom, because I was trying to state how coffee and smoking has addictive properties, but the fact is that I was being merely "consequential." I hope that God will reveal to us what to do with her, because as fun as it is going around and around with her regarding doctrine, where does the line have to be drawn if they are not willing to do what God asks of them to find these truths out for certain?

Kay, sorry for that tangent. I hope that we are able to find new ways to find people soon. Do any of you have any ideas? We were thinking of doing sidewalk chalk, but if you think of anything creative let me know please! :)

It is amazing how often the saying "We can do hard things" pops up from someone in a conversation or a talk and gives me a strong reminder of my motto while here, striving to do what I and everyone whom I serve with have covenanted to do.

Love you all!

-Sister Weaver-

Here is us on Saturday.
We were making candy
at Sister Black's house.
Yeah, we ar spazzes

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