Monday, December 8, 2014

How Blessed We Are...

December 8, 2014

Dearest Family & Friends,

You are right (as always) about how blessed we are to have come to earth in a time when great and exciting things are occurring in God's kingdom on earth. The literal fulfillment of prophecy in rolling forth as the stone cut from the mountain without hands fills the earth with enormous immensity! I am so grateful too for the men and women--like Handel, Luther, Calvin, Tyndale, Joan of Arc, Columbus, our Founding Fathers--whom God has inspired to prepare the way for the Restoration of the Gospel, just as John the Baptist and Samuel the Lamanite prepared the way for the Savior. It is interesting that you mention the pre-mortal existence because I was pondering too and came to the conclusion that missionary work neither began at birth, nor concludes at death. In the pre-mortal existence just imagine how many of us pulling for the Savior tried to, or succeeded in, helping to bring those who wanted to follow Lucifer back to the Savior. Who knows, maybe before the war in heaven there were more than 1/3 that were led astray! As we know, work continues in the Spirit World for those who have passed without the knowledge of the fruits of the gospel. And, during that wonderful time when Satan will be loosed after the Millennium, trying to drag as many of God's children as he can down with him before Judgment, just imagine how ridiculously busy missionaries will be on both sides of the veil! Until the time comes when the faithful may receive a place in heaven and continue in the eternal truth and work that the Lord has prepared from the beginning. Onward, ever victory!

I am so happy to hear that sissy is prepping so well for the blessed land of Rexburg, she will love it so much; she won't know what to do :)

Thank you so much for Brother Johnson's message, he truly is inspired. I love nothing more than answering or asking questions (or seeking to find the answers when I can't answer), so this formula is superb!

This week my testimony was strengthened on the importance of surveys. We found and taught three families about the gospel! Although a couple has decided to stick with their church, we have high hopes for the one we found in Columbus. We received a referral for someone at the Catholic School down there, but when we discovered it was the actual school we were referred to, we decided to try some surveys before heading home. The second door we knocked, Sean let us in and introduced us to his wife Emily. Although she just started to believe in Christianity, she is open to learn more about our faith and our views on what is happening in the world. She really liked our stance on gay marriage and became more open to what we taught. Sean told us their family had experienced 5 deaths in the past 4 months and that they are Catholic, but still searching. After the survey, we taught them the Plan of Salvation, emphasizing the importance of the Savior and how much He loves us. They appreciated it and told us that it would take them a little bit to digest what we had told them, because it was so new to them. Emily liked the concept of there not being damned to hell if you don't believe in Christ, but she expressed her gratitude that there was a place for everyone and that she wanted to get as close to God as possible. After we left, they texted us about how grateful they were that we taught them, and said they would keep in touch :) We hope to be able to get down there again so we can keep teaching them!

On Wednesday Nykeria and her friend Deanna went caroling with the Young Women! It was great to see how much fun they had and how the youth welcomed them into the fold.

I feel so blessed to have learned and taught a lot about the Savior's Atonement this week. At one of our less-actives, the Figuera's, Patricia received personal revelation about the three kingdoms of glory and how she wants to be prepared when the Savior comes.

Tye received personal revelation during our lesson as well, when we testified of the importance of scripture study and prayer. She said that sometimes she has trouble applying what we teach, but today she felt very moved and inspired that the Lord is telling her what she needs to know :)

President Cutler truly is a man of God, inspiring us to set these new goals to accomplish in order to gather more of God's children into His fold!

And that, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep: for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed.
 The night is far spent, the day is at hand: let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armour of light.
(Romans 13:11-12)

Love you all!

Keep the Light Burning Bright!

-Sister Weaver-

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