Tuesday, September 30, 2014

I Cried When I Read About Josh

September 29, 2014

I cried when I read about Josh, can you send me their mailing address? I cannot believe how fast it has spread! Yes, I will for sure keep sending prayers their way. I hope that the radiation will work. I can't imagine what Jessica must be feeling right now, but I know that the Lord will continue to help her in her work and provide a way for the Pukahi's to receive the comfort and counsel needed through this rough time. I know that the Lord has the power to bear our burdens and succor us according to our infirmities. The Lord is bearing this burden with Josh and he is not alone.

Yeah we had the primary program too and Bill Stoll came. We have been committing the heck out of people to go to conference with a question and bearing testimony of how, if they open their hearts and minds to the Spirit, they will receive their answers. So, I encourage all of you to do the same!

Tell Butter Happy Birthday!!

This week has been full of miracles as we sought for opportunities to invite people to baptism. Although we did not meet the goal to set 3 baptismal dates this week, we will most hopefully be able to meet with those this week we had planned to last week, but fell through :( We were able to FINALLY contact Latrina again and she was eager to meet with us, but we had to reschedule for this week instead. I hope that she will continue to progress as we teach her and we will be able to set a date with her. We also got back into contact with a less active that I never met, named Sharon Buelle. It was a very spiritual meeting and I am grateful that she is willing to meet with us.

Sally came to the General Women's Meeting Potluck and met many wonderful fellow shippers from our ward. She was adamant about not staying for the broadcast, but she was able to get a feel for some of the people in our church :)

We brought Ellie Davis with us to teach Alex and she invited her to come to the Davis' house to watch a session of General Conference with them! We invited her and her mother to the General Women's meeting, but they couldn't make it because her sister is getting induced. This week we will put the plan into motion of including her mother in her progress with the Young Women.

When we met with the Stoll’s this week we were going to re-commit them to a baptismal date, but we ended up being bold and straight-forward with them about whether or not they have prayed with real intent to know if this gospel is the one true gospel. Luella believes, but Bill couldn't even answer us. We watched Elder Holland's talk "Lord, I Believe" and re-committed them to pray about it and bring that and two other questions surrounding it with them to General Conference. We are working with the members on getting them to people's houses for it. The Miller’s said that they were going to the church building for conference, so I asked them if they would sit with the Stoll’s when they came to their session. Bill came to church and talked with the Miller’s, especially since Brother Miller just got the priesthood that day. He went to priesthood with him and was very vocal in class. We hope and pray that he will continue to try to receive a sure answer.

After getting chastised a bit by President Cutler for having to many service activities where finding people was limited, we limited our scheduled service opportunities this week to make more time for meetings and proselyting, but are open to any more beneficial ideas of where we could give service to places where we can find people (without proselyting).

My prayers are ever with you, my family! Keep the faith. And I echo broham's words when he said, "We are God's "Big Project", His Work and His Glory." We are not just building the kingdom the Lord is building us.
Love, so much that it's bursting the corners of this computer,

-Sister Weaver-

Me eating chocolate cheese!
Yeah, CHOCOLATE cheese.
Only in WI!

Click movie...

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